Name Our New Shredder Contest

Banner image announcing Sunnking's "Name the Shredder" contest.

The 2024 Shredder Contest is now CLOSED.

Our new shredder's name is.....SHREDDIE MERCURY! Congratulations to Paola Viera for your winning submission, and thank you to everyone who participated.

The Sunnking Name the Shredder Contest allows residents and businesses across New York to submit their best and most creative names for its electronics shredder, which destroys over 10 million lbs of recycled devices each year.

Winners will have their shredder name featured on Sunnking's website. The winner will also receive a Sunnking swag bag and their choice of EITHER four (4) tickets to a Rochester Red Wings game OR two (2) tickets to a Buffalo Bills preseason game of their choice.
Participants have until July 8th to submit their most creative shredder name.
Be sure to share with your friends on social media using #recycleNY

Contest Rules and Regulations:

  1. Names submitted should be around 15 characters and one or two words.
  2. Names cannot contain profanity or inappropriate language.
  3. If multiple individuals submit the same name, the entry that came in first will be the one considered.
  4. Names may be submitted by a group (schools, hospitals, etc.) but must include a contact name.
  5. Individuals and groups may submit more than one name – one name per submission form is required.
  6. Names cannot be an individual's name.
  7. The name submitted should be created by the submitter and not otherwise owned or copyrighted by another entity, such as a movie, TV, person's name, or reference to an existing company. 
  8. By submitting a name, you grant Sunnking all rights to use/display/publish the name you submit to the Name the Shredder Contest.
  9. By submitting a shredder name, you consent to have your name and/or image published, photographed, displayed, and used for promotional purposes. Personal contact information will only be accessible to Sunnking employees to contact the winners and not be sold or provided externally.
  10. Winning submissions by people under age 18 must be signed off by a parent/guardian.
  11. Winner will get the choice of four (4) tickets to a Rochester Red Wings game or two (2) game tickets to a Buffalo Bills preseason game and a Sunnking Sustainable Solutions swag bag.
  12. We will review name submissions and present qualified finalist names to the public on July 9th, and winners will be announced on July 22nd.
  13. The public can vote on the top five (5) names – one vote per person HERE.